All information about the Free Braces in Austria

Frequently Asked Questions & Important Information about Free Braces

Is the Free Brace really free?

Yes, if you choose a certified provider for the Free Brace. You can find providers on this page. Certification means that the Free Brace is truly free for you. This is not always the case. Even if a dentist meets the criteria (such as training certificates, etc.), the insurance only covers 80 percent of the contractually agreed rate. How much you ultimately pay depends on how much the chosen dentist charges for their service. Since this amount can significantly exceed the agreed rate, it can amount to several thousand euros.

Who should I contact for a consultation?

You should contact a dentist who specializes in orthodontics. These are also known as orthodontists. In addition to their dental studies, orthodontists have completed several years of additional training to learn how to correct dental and jaw misalignments. They usually focus exclusively on orthodontics and do not offer typical dental services such as fillings or crowns. You can find providers on this page.

Additionally, the orthodontist should be a provider of the Free Brace for two reasons: (1) Otherwise, you may have to pay for the consultation. (2) Only contract orthodontists can assess without prior approval whether your child qualifies for the Free Brace.

Zahnspange Wien

When should I come for a consultation?

We recommend parents of children aged 5-6 years to schedule a consultation for orthodontic treatment with an orthodontist.

What are the requirements for the Free Brace?

Are Free Braces available for all misalignments?

No. Braces are free for children and teenagers only if their teeth show a minimum deviation from the ideal dental alignment. The jaw and dental misalignment must have a severity level of IOTN 4 or 5.

As a layperson, how can I understand a misalignment of IOTN 4 or 5?

These are severe dental or jaw misalignments.

Can I determine myself if my child qualifies for the Free Brace?

No, the determination of the treatment necessity according to the international IOTN classification can only be made by a qualified contract orthodontist.

Can I get the Free Brace at any dentist?

No, the Free Brace is only offered by contract orthodontists.

What if my child does not meet the requirements for the Free Brace?

There are several reasons to be happy in this case. Firstly, it means that your child does not have a severe dental and jaw misalignment, which is good news. Secondly, in these cases, you can opt for invisible aligners like Invisalign instead of silver brackets, which is recommended if there is a higher risk of cavities.

Does my child need orthodontic treatment if the misalignment is not severe?

This must be assessed during the consultation. Generally, there are good reasons to treat even mild to moderate misalignments in children and teenagers:

How much does orthodontic treatment cost if it cannot be done with the Free Brace?

The costs naturally depend on the complexity of the case and the method used. Generally, the Vienna Dental Association recommends a benchmark of around EUR 6,000. For children, this may be lower.

Many patients appreciate the option of interest-free installment payments offered by some orthodontists. Only the material costs need to be paid upfront. You can freely choose the number of installments (up to 6 months beyond the planned treatment duration). The monthly installment payments are usually between EUR 100 and EUR 200. This makes a healthy and beautiful smile affordable for children.

How to make braces even more affordable

Why should dental misalignments be corrected?

Dental misalignments have not only aesthetic effects; if untreated, they can hinder or disrupt the child's further development. The effects of dental misalignments are varied, ranging from an increased risk of injury during sports and play to permanent and painful jaw problems and chronic inflammations in the mouth. Orthodontic treatment not only ensures optimal dental health but can also address speech disorders, relax the jaw joint and neck muscles, and even prevent potential spinal development issues.

At what age is the ideal starting point for braces?

Starting orthodontic treatment early, specifically with braces, can prevent long-term consequences such as surgeries or severe misalignments and associated health issues later in life.

But when is the right age to start braces? Generally, it's never too early to begin. "It's best to come to us as soon as possible," invites Dr. Maija Eltz, who founded the Eltz Institute for Orthodontics and specializes exclusively in the treatment of dental and jaw misalignments. "An orthodontist usually needs just a thorough look to determine if braces are necessary now or in the future. If regulation is not immediately necessary, another check-up appointment is recommended a year later. A visit is always worthwhile," says Dr. Bärbel Reistenhofer of Votiv Orthodontics.

The procedure itself is adapted to the child's age. For children with milk teeth and early mixed dentition, typically around six to eight years old, the "Phase 1" treatment applies. In this "interceptive therapy," the child's development is influenced to improve it. Removable braces (night braces) or plastic parts temporarily cemented in place, such as for reverse overbites or lateral crossbites, are commonly used. If the child has all permanent teeth around the age of 12, "Phase 2" begins, involving fine adjustments or corrections and rotations of minor misalignments to achieve the best possible final result. Phase 2 treatment is usually done with fixed braces.

Can a "normal" dentist handle the treatment?

The Free Brace is only available from selected orthodontists – and this makes sense: "Orthodontists are dentists who, through three to four years of additional university or para-university training, acquire theoretical and practical expertise in the development of the dentition, dental alignment, and jaw joint functionality," says Dr. Eltz, herself a certified member of the Austrian Board of Orthodontists.

Who gets the Free Brace?

Phase 1 is – as before – mostly fully covered by health insurance. The innovations in the Free Brace regulation of 2015 mainly concern Phase 2. The requirements for eligibility include:

The complexity is determined by IOTN (Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need). This is a task that can only be performed by a certified contract orthodontist. Only at IOTN levels 4 and 5 are the braces covered by insurance.

Dr. Reistenhofer also notes that health insurance only covers the costs for visible, silver-colored brackets. If "invisible," i.e., tooth-colored or transparent braces are used, all treatment costs must be borne by the patient or their guardians, as in a private practice.

My child does not meet the criteria, what can I do?

If your child is under 15 and has a mild dental misalignment, or over 18 with a severe dental misalignment, you can book a regular treatment with fixed brackets or invisible aligners at Eltz Orthodontics or Votiv Orthodontics.

If your child is over 15 and has a mild dental misalignment, you can alternatively book an appointment with SayCheeese – the invisible brace from Vienna.

Do you have questions about free braces?

You can ask us any questions using the following form, and we will respond within one business day. If you would like to schedule an appointment for free braces, click here: Find provider